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You being from GA I bet you heard the best football joke ever.
Punchline: "than dawg would bite youuuu!!!" :mpup

LOL... Wow Bob that bit to the bone :stinker Course, being Married into a family of Hardcore Bama fans 'cept for wife's sister who's an Auburn fan (nobody really knows what happened there or discusses it) I have no choice but to fly the Crimson Tide A. BTW... I'm going to take this moment to let all the other Alabama fans who have the "A" sticker and want to display it proudly on their vehicles. For gods sake stick it on straight!!!

I dont so much have a Mojo ? Its not a British word but if i lose the faith i go back to the start of a Chuk build on-line somewhere and very soon i am inspired again.
Best thing to do is try and incorporate something new in each build, just a different technique or painting style, or a PE kit, or as i am doing now, a PE chain :eek:hmy: . I cant build the same old same old, i need a problem to get round or some research to do, next build is WnW FE2b just because the rigging looks imposable :) gotta have a challenge :)
Try the Aeroclub Fe.2b instead. Definitly a challenge. It has been on and of my desk for about 10 years now. :)

Lost your MoJo ?? Well what I do when I start to feel uninspired .... I'll watch some good War Movies that take Me back to Childhood & inspired Me to begin with - Apocalypse Now , Platoon , Tora Tora Tora , Kelly's Heroes ... and grab a 1st. person account type of War book - which ever genere you like - Chopper Pilots from 1st. Air Cav , Vietnam , WW II german books , maybe even some WW II Allied books .... that'll usually get th juices flowin & also tryin to attend a model show .... I'll also go back &find works of the People that Inspire me .... Like M.A.'s Own BoB Letterman , Shep Paine , Verlinden etc .

C'Mon Brotha' !! Get that MoJo workin'



Okay I think I have this. I just can't get into anything. Nothing is working. I can get up for a day or two, then (like now) I just not into working on any plastic.

The thought of throwing away the started projects and selling off everything books, kits and paint (tools I'll keep)... I know bad thought but they keep coming to mind more and more.

Got a model club meeting Friday maybe that would help. It use to be a car magazine or even a good photo would work to restart the fire. Right now nothing.

Maybe I just suffer from dain bramage................. :idonno

A major funk I have to work out, if not I will be having a mega sale!
Don't sell off everything Jeff! Just hang on, it'll come back. I know what you mean though, guess I'm still wiped out from the Southeastern Tour last week.
I agree. Don't sell everything. Keep the tools, paint glue and such.
If you have a lot of kits, sell everything that isn't rare. Box up the rare ones, and put them away.
Bob is right, Jeff. You'll catch the bug again and unless you need the space or the cash, selling your stuff is something you'd probably regret. Go do other things, catch up with friends, the modeling bug will get you again.

Something else to consider, switch genres. Build something completely different than you're accustomed to and see how you feel. I hit the modeling wall several years ago and started building military instead of automotive, it has been very liberating. :drinks
I have the same feelings too, pick something you wont ever build, sell it, that may cure your need to sell it all! :snoopy
I don't know Jeff, maybe we need to look at it a different direction. Let's see a list of what you're wanting to sell, then we'll talk about how cool everything is and it'll spark our Mojo and you'll back off wanting to sell everything. :mpup
Mate, breath fresh air! :zen
Look to the sky and look how good God it's to alow you to do this
great hobby. (y)

Everbody needs some time to think and put the thought together...

And like Bob says other time, looks under your worbench, the mojo could be there! :drinks
Getting my mojo back :hmmm My first step on the path to regaining my mojo is to sell unwanted items like kits and aftermarket sets (books never) and buy new ones to refresh my kit stash to be desirable for new projects :idonno sometimes it works for me ;)

All the best! :drinks
I know how you feel. Eight months of unemployment throws the mojo off... Some days getting out of bed to pee is difficult! :( Right now, job searching is getting in the way of modeling... after spending 5-6 hours looking at this stupid computer screen, who has the eyesight for "stuff?"

In 2006 I got po'd with my choir director and the priest at church. Really PO'd. I didn't sing again, until 2010 when my fiance Strongly Suggested I look into the Singer's Club of Cleveland. Sometimes you got to take a step back and do something else for a while.

Remember that we are blessed with the ability and means to be big boys playing with toys...
Barney I know how you fell I was there when GM's Satrun thing started to fall apart. I was down and out for months. Keep up the fight. It does work out it.

MP, Dusan, Arturius, JSteinman, Iron Mike Thanks!

Yeap I have been thinking of modeling something else, like modern Russian tanks. Never liked the look of them (T-72 and so on) Maybe I will pick up a kit in a couple of weeks to tinker with.

More I think about it, I really really need to thin out the stash. It is pretty bad :blush: I did do some thinning a couple of years ago.

I will still fiddle with the stuff I have, just not going to worry about getting it done.

Have a good week everyone!
I lost most of my mojo during 2011. Small, fiddly parts and difficult builds (Thank you Trumpeter and HobbyBoss) really did a number on my enthusiasm for the hobby. So much so, that I quit going to websites like this one and also quit buying more kits for the stack of shame.

However, in the new year a revelation arrived from Tamiya. The M-51 Sherman. I was so excited to build this kit that I went out bought it from my LHS on the day it arrived. Never mind the Dragon, Academy, Accurate Armour and Formations kits and conversion sets I already have, this kit was a must buy for me!

All of the parts fit so well together, the small parts have not been over engineered and I think I have my mojo again and it should be finished soon. Now, comes the fun part, finding the right color. I think I am going with Lifecolor, just have to find some in stock.
Erik I can't wait to see it. It just takeS the right spark to get things going again.

Terry B)
Tamiyas kits are a good way to find the Mojo again :) they are easy and the parts fit good, not all those fiddly pieces and photoetch to deal with!
All of the parts fit so well together, the small parts have not been over engineered and I think I have my mojo again and it should be finished soon. Now, comes the fun part, finding the right color. I think I am going with Lifecolor, just have to find some in stock.
