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moon puppy

Staff member
Where did I put it? :zen

I never should have cleaned up the shop. Can't find it anywhere, lost with the Spitfire decals I bet.

:zen :zen

There's been random reports of lost Mojo around here lately. How do you spark it again?
;) Know exactly what you mean 'PUP.
I regularly loose mine at least twice a year - usually after finishing a long project that sparked me up from a previous Mojo loss.
I always get out my favourite books , watch a few films or doco's and start a project that I always wanted to do - then once I get the Mojo back, I return to the previous unfinished project and finish it. A bit 'hap hazard' I know, but with work / family / sport/ hobbies all trying to get a piece of my time, it's the only way that I can keep going these days.

I know someone else who seasonally loses his MoJo... not I. I simply suffer from ADD.

I have had an whole year of Mojolessness

Started with an extremely hot summer where I was forced not to be able to do anything and it just did not come back and stay. :(

It feels as if it might be decipating though and I have found my self more and more at the bench. I have asked Santa for an A/C for this coming summer.
Well, I hope yours comes back quicker than mine did, I lost mine almost three years ago and only recently got it back again !
Sit down have a few beers, watch some doco's on classic aircraft, this should start a spark, and after an intensive build, do an OOB simple fun kit, preferably an opposite of what your last was - if Allied - go Axis etc.

Leave the bench alone during the day, do whatever you have put off, then sit down at night after going through your stash and start a build that jumps out at you.

Build a kit YOU want to, not one you HAVE to.
You havn't lost your MOJO- you have burned out- STOP. Don't read books devoted or related to models, don't look at your kits, mess with your tools or even read our posts for a week. Step away.

I'm hitting a complete dead end too- after a decade of not building I came back and finished some really nice things but after last OCT I have seen my quality and my enthusiasm hit rock bottom- your living it as well though you may not be aware... step back Bob, I have seen this happen to guys in the trades too, take a vacation before boredom turns to dislike.

Take down the Christmas stuff, paint the dog house, read a book with out pictures of military vehicles or better something not applying to history at all. Do something different-
Lack of Mojo is a pretty common issue, and even when i do have my Mojo going, I tend to suffer from a severe lack of motivation, so in the end, I tend to not get a whole lot of modeling done.
Might just be all the silver ducting keeping you from getting around like you need to. Just disconnect man. May the force be with you ! :yipee
Well...after being called into work to drive 16 miles to push a button...I finally found my way to the garage. Found the Mojo, left it under the work bench. Seems when I added the tilt top back to the drawing table, I left it there. I took the wheels off the table, it dropped it about 4 inches. I sat down and all was right in the world again.

Sanding the antenna for the Mustang..:pilot
I had to knuckle down with the White-Out, sanding sticks, scriber and Dymo tape to find mine again. Made some custom acetate templates and am getting the final polish on the surfaces of the 388. Lookin' like a plane!
You being from GA I bet you heard the best football joke ever.
Punchline: "than dawg would bite youuuu!!!" :mpup
Well Bob, that's normal thing...
please don't become like me, builds once a year... :vmad
I'll do my best to change that this next year :fencing

Mojo forever... :yipee