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Jagdpanzer IV Variants WIP

Look great, Tony! My question is: how did they do this back in '45? Big, round stencils? I'm just a simple, unfrozen cave man artist- your modern modeling stencils frighten and confuse!
Looks great Tony!! You keep this up and you're gonna get good. :laugh:

Well I didn't get her done today,my tired done come down on me and beside I must have got a lick on my head because i'm seeing spots everywhere I look. :idonno




Chuck the skinny I read on the net about this "Light & Shadow" scheme is that they used 3 x 4 foot cardboard stencils and painted one panel at a time, matched the edges and painted another over and over.
It also said some were painted one disc at a time by hand.

For those that are interested the AKI stencil instructions recommends "Acrylic Paint" but does not say a thing about enamels,yea or nay.

There you go,that's all folks
Tony lee and btw Thanks
Nice- and thanks for the scooby on that pattern! It reminds me of comics master Jack Kirby and his amazing Kirby Crackle (aka Kirby Dots).

OK I think this cat done been skinned. :yipee



I only used one of three pattern strips to do the complete job and it can still be used again.

Now for the bad news, the yard needs to be mowed again. :eek:hmy:

Tony lee
Man that looks good...Nice job Tony.

Eh, throw a few bucks at some neighborhood kids, you have more important things to do...

Not these days Tom, kids know what inflation is and charge more than a couple bucks now days. Besides that would deplete my AM kitty. :lol:

WE only go around once James, try it you'll like it I bet.

Thanks fellows
Tony lee
OK Mike it's time to move on, that is as soon as the temps come back up. It's in the 40s and was suppose to be 60 today.
Here's whats next for paint,the L/70(A):


Be back soon,I hope
Tony lee