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Looking good so far. I am glad you are going to be including notes about your building of this kit because I have one that I've had for a few years and wanted to get a few more armor kits under my belt before tackling it.

Looking forward to your next sets of photos.

Around a sprue. Then, I tugged on it to unroll it to size

I have NO tools for working with PE, something I intend to remedy in the next month. I can only show up at MP's place so many times you know
OK so now I am pretty much at the "ready for prime/paint" stage.

Sorry that the barrels are not perfectly straight. I will say that, if you build this, pay CAREFUL Attention as you build the 106mm rifles, as to the direction the Spotting rifle mount faces! I thought I was done, only to discover 4 of 6 backwards! So that meant breaking out the CMK saw and cutting them apart, then making & drilling/installing pins to hold them all back together. I still have some cleanup work to do there, but they're not being perfectly straight meant that installing them so that all barrels were aligned properly was TOUGH!

I really have only myself to blame for that, it is a neat little model. As you can see the guns/"turret" assembly is just press fit, and can be positioned turned if so desired. I can find no reference pics or vids showing this though, so I have elected to leave it pointed straight ahead. Here is a pic with it turned just for looks. Also, the petite size of this is amazing! In addition to the pic showing the turret turned, here it also is beside a 1/35 scale KV-2, and a straight-down pic of it beside an Abrams turret. Even with the 6 tubes it is still smaller in width/length than the Abrams turret less it's 120mm barrel!!!

So that is where I sit. Going to take a break on this 'un and jump back to my KT build. Thanks fer lookin'!!!
Thanks for the heads up about the recoilless rifles. Your model is coming along well, but I can see why you need to take a short break. I only had to build one recoilless rifle for the M113 I made for my "Breakfast in the Boonies" diorama. I can just imagine what it must have been like to make six of them and then trying to get all of them to align.

The final count on the parts is 12 total per rifle! Acyually only one rifle is really out of line out of all of them, and it would not been so, had I done a better job of following the directions. Going to work on it next though

Thanks for the kudos! having fun with it!
hey i just realized, for some reason I am able to post some photobucket pics!

I actually primed this in Black & White last night, with a pinch of luck, I may be able to get paint on it tomorrow!
So the other day I got home a tad early, and had enought time to setup the porch and get some primer on this one, note that this NOT snow camo, this is a dark/light primer I see on some youtube builds, just thought I would try it here



HOPINg to get some Drab Olive on it today and make it look quite faded, but have to make some hospital visits so maybe not - of well, at least it hasn't made it to the shelf of doom as yet!
I hope to see more soon too. Take care and do what the docs tell you. I also have several doctor appointments to do as well. Take your time on this; your work is always well worth the wait.
Got some more done! I was able to get the basic OD green of the USMC on there! Really not much more than that, but s-l-o-w-l-y it is getting there!


