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Logistics, The Figures Updated Feb 8th, 2021

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Hot dang I just know you guys are going to love the new house (y)
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Well, We have sold our house and I put a contract on a new one in Springfield, Missouri yesterday. We have until January 8th to pack up. So, I won't be doing any modeling until next year. I have had three estimates for the move. They all came in at about 37,000 pounds or 18 and a half tons. That will take at least two semis full and not to mention all the fragile items I will be moving myself in a 40 foot moving van. This will be my very last move. It will be our 14th home since we married on January 24th, 1966. We will celebrate our fiftieth anniversary in the new house!

Just thought I'd let you guys know why this thread will be quiet for awhile!


Good luck and tell them to be careful with that stuff! :dude
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Good luck in your new house,Bob!

All the best :drinks

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Congratulations on the sale and impending move to the new place! I know your daughter will be happy to have you and your wife close by. :woohoo:
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Hi Bob,

I most certainly do not envy all the effort with moving house, but there is nothing like being close to the ones you love.

Congratulations mate and good luck with the task at hand :zen

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Best of all good things to you and your bride as you "get out of town".:Hiay

(it was voluntary -wasn't it? :frantic ) :yipee

Keep your eyes locked on the end result, that way the total chaos going on around your feet will not bother you at all :S :silly:
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Good luck witht the move Bob and hope all goes realy well. And an early congrats on the milestone of 50 years.
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Best o' Luck to ya on the move Bob! :zen :zen :zen And, an early CORNgrats to you & the Mrs on the big 50!!! :drinks :drinks
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Thanks Guys. I always try to answer everybody personally when I can, but, the move to Springfield begins tomorrow and I'm trying to keep on schedule. They will be loading for 3 days and then friday, Susan and I and our pups will head south to our new home, We, along with Wes Bradley, my long time buddy and member of MA, have been packing boxes daily now for 5 weeks and there is still more to go. I have thrown out so much stuff we haven't used in years, We have also given so much away to friends. We had a full professional gym with a dozen machines and tons of weights, barbells, dumbbells and olympic bars, etc. We like working out in a public gym, so we saw no reason to keep all that. They are bringing a special truck out wednesday just for the museum.

Whew!!!!!!! This has been a major operation! I kept thinking, "Why was this so much more difficult than when we moved here. 1), we moved in three phases over a 2 year period, and 2) I was 15 years younger. A mere 59. Big difference!!

When we get there, We're gonna take a long rest! I'm to old for this stuff! :yipee

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Last time I had a buddy help me move it cost me a case of beer, Wes must be stocked up till next year. :rotf
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Our ages were a consideration in our recent move as well, Bob! Best of luck getting through this wringer! ;)
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Wow, I'm so far behind. I never remember getting the word about this. Congrats on the move and on the impending 50 year anniversary. The rest can wait so have a good safe move and enjoy the ride south.
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Hi Guys, We are moved in, just got the Internet connected today. Besides my bob@bobletterman.com email address, We have another one now.


After everything was loaded on the trucks, 3 - 26 foot moving vans and 1 semi=tractor trailer van, the weight totaled 42,000 pounds or 21 tons. The house is a disaster, the museum is downstairs and they were afraid they wouldn't get it all in, but they did. Only trouble is they left no room to work around. I am having a truck and some men come and move about 10 dioramas to a storage center so we can start working around and get it all straightened up. It will be a long process, at least two months. You kinda have to see it to believe it.

We lave lived in St. Louis for 50 years and used to the big city attitudes there. We were shocked at the difference here, people are so overly nice, at first we were suspicious, asking each other, "What are they after". Turns out it is just plain old fashioned friendliness and it's contagious. I think we are really going to like it here!

Anyway, I'm back on line after a 2 week off time!

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

:drinks Glad to hear that you are doing fine and that the move went fine, i can believe it was a big job and still work left before everything is in place again.

Greetings Mats
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Glad to hear yer all moved in Bob!! :drinks I know what ya mean about the neighbors being neighborly. I too am from the big city & Moved to the country & there's such a big difference in attitudes. Takes a little gettin' use to.
Now that you're moved in, the fun begins.... (y) (y) :D :geek
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Glad to known that all the things are going well :good: ... Good lucky my friend :salute

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Welcome back Bob, you have been missed. It's great to have you back. Feel free to shoot some pics of the chaos so we can all take part vicariously through you.

In my case, I had the opposite experience. I grew up in a small town where everyone was friendly and it almost had a family-type feel. Moving to the Big City of LA was a shock in more ways than one. Enjoy the country!
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Well, we have been here a month. We finally have the main floor operational and livable. However, the basement is another story. It will have a media room and that is almost finished, but we haven't really even started on the museum. That will begin Monday, the 8th.

It was so full, I couldn't work around it, so, I hired Two Men and a Truck to come out and take 10 dioramas to a storage unit. It made it possible to work down there. I have started on my modeling room, which, at the previous house, I had two, one downstairs and one in the museum. We have done a lot of downsizing during this move and my new workshop is not only a single one but smaller than either of the previous two. I'll get used to it. I am thinking now that it all should be finished by the end of March. That may sound like a lot of time, but you have to see it to understand. The finished basement is quite large but has very little lighting which is an absolute in a museum or you can't see details. I have already contracted an electrician to do all the wiring necessary.

As it comes to life, I'll take photos and post the progress. I am missing being on MA daily, but, I must get this done in order to get back to the bench, and, I am missing the bench a lot!!

I'll keep checking in from time to time until I have some images to post!

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Stay with it :soldier Let me know if you need a Jack Stack care package.
