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Gotta Love The Rain.

Plastik Smurff

Well-known member
Well it started raining yesterday afternoon and has not stopped and now I'am flooded in :captain
At least the pantry is full,have a new bottle of Wild Turkey and plenty of bench time :yipee
I soooooooo hate you you lucky bugger been in what the americans call the 100's now for 3 weeks. Were having Feb weather in December I hope the next heat wave misses us.
We had flooding last week here, ground is saturated. Culverts failed, roads closed and it's not like we have the best roads in the world around here.

20F this AM and I have no heat in the garage, got a couple of space heaters working keeping it from freezing.

Hunker down and git'er done.
I am not complayning anymore 20F thats absurd cold Rather this heat and we can go to the beach or to the pool than just hunkering out inside battling the cold.
I'm the opposite. With the cold, you can always put on another layer, but with the heat, there's only so far you can go without being arrested. :D
That's very true.

Dave, has the asphalt started melting yet? Down here in SC we don't think it's hot till you see your tires leave an impression in the parking lot. :rotf
That's very true.

Dave, has the asphalt started melting yet? Down here in SC we don't think it's hot till you see your tires leave an impression in the parking lot. :rotf

Well there We were enjoying the seventies in Dec ... January is here and the Siberian express is coming ... Better get some propane ... :woohoo: Thought We'd make it without having to heat the House with the Central Unit ...

Snow! And plenty of it here. If I didn't have this dang cold I'd be anchored to the bench right now.

Well we got 200ml of rain last night and it's still falling. It is rather cool to,so I have got the fireplace going (have 1 in the loungeroom 1 in the kitchen and 1 in my hobby cave,nice an toasty now. Gotta love 100 year old+ houses )
May as well work on the corsair and try and fix the gigantic mess I have made of the P40 warhawk from the deja vue build :bang head :bang head :bang head
Stay safe. Nice here, only in the low teens to low 20s, well okay they are negative numbers, but still not bad.
Been in the single digits F here....usually the wood stove keeps the upstairs around 80- but its just below 70 up here now- and the kids rooms are at 65 on the second floor....I'm with Jeff- I prefer winter- it's an upstate NY thing ;) But I hate when the skin freezes after 5-10 minutes outside...
I do miss my old NY winters, but it's awfully hard to complain about winter in Florida! :eek:ldguy

On the serious side, all you guys in those flooded out areas stay safe!
LIke Moon Puppy said, lot's of rain around here. Was watching the news the other day, and the weather lady said that at Labor Day (Sept. 7th) we were 10" below average for annual rain fall. By the end of December, we were 8" to the good on rain fall. We got 12" of rain just in November.
All the rain that has come down up north is now coming down the Mississippi which will be 40 ft above flood friday. Tunica just a bit south of Memphis is under water already. So much for the casinos.

As to the cold up north, you can have it.
Here on the left coast we've been gettin' alot of rain the past couple of days! Glad to see it but, after the Butte fire, I feel bad for those affected by it & we have snow plows working mudslides in several areas :bang head