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1/48 Monogram Phantom

Even in the 80's when they showed up at Nellis for Red flag they were ...Uh the talk of the fline line .

They were flying these birds with small panels missing.

I have to hand it to the NAVY and MARINES pilot . I admire them for their knowledge of what is flyable and what is mostly cosmetic.

Cheers, Christian B)
Yeah I heard the story if you have enough thrust you can make a brick fly.

I look at F-4s as bulldogs ...... so ugly you have to love 'em!
Thanks fellas!
I sort of neglected the model all week. I had some other irons in the fire so to speak.
I'm back at it now, still putting on the old Monogram stencil decals. There are so many of them and they are so small, I can only go for an hour or so before I need to take a break. Thus the slow progress. Not much really to see but here's a picture of where I'm at.

Thanks for looking,
Nice looking Phantom there. Greatto see an old release like that come to life.

Did you know that the original phantom had straight wings and tail planes? When they were rolling it out the hanger doors were accidently closed whilstthe arircraft was between them. that bent the outer parts of the main wings upwards. then when they tried pulling it out the rest of the way the tail planes got snagged and were bent downwards.


Cheers from Peter
Now that is one story I haven't heard! It's a good one .

Today I finished up all the stencilling and gave it a shot of Future to seal it all in.

I hope to start weathering it up some tomorrow.

I saw the doctor today and he says I can go back to work on Monday..... yeah right!

I'm gonna try to stick a feather in this one before then so stay tuned.....
Here's a whole bunch of pictures of todays progress. I'd call it essentially done. I still have a few touch-ups to fix. and another coat of flat to fix the weathering. I didn't go too overboard with the weathering. I really just wanted a used look. about it.

I should finish tomorrow and get the masking off the canopies. Then I'll put up the glamour shots, the off to the display case.
1/48 Monogram Phantom FINISHED!

You got a new patio table! :rotf

Looks great Greg, should be proud to have that in your display (y)
1/48 Monogram Phantom FINISHED!

You got a new patio table! :rotf

Looks great Greg, should be proud to have that in your display (y)

Yes we did. Actually got this new set 3 summers ago. Just this past week we gave your favorite to our daughter for her front porch.

And thanks. I wish it had turned out better but all in all it's not too bad. Eventually it will find it's way to the back of the shelf, hopefully with something better in front of it. :D
1/48 Monogram Phantom FINISHED!

Looking pretty darn good Greg .

Just think of the poor guys that had to paint those stencils ....even worse, the poor sap that had to stamp them out at the stencil machine :sick: one symbol at a time.

Congrats :good: Christian B)