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bob letterman

Warren Joyce

Warren Joyce (Sharkman)



"Warren is a Marine Biologist living in Nova Scotia, Canada. Most of his time is spent researching various species of shark off the east coast, a passion he has had since the age of 5 (he decided he was going to work with dinosaurs or sharks when he grew up, sharks won out in the end)! When not playing with his toothy friends, his time is mostly occupied with his family, his wife Ann and two wonderful young daughters, Beth and Gwen. Somehow, he manages to fit some time in at the bench in his busy life!

Warren first started modelling when he was 7, with a long forgotten kit his father brought home. He modelled just about any kit he could get his hands on back then, but was mainly focused on automobiles. At about the age of 14, the modelling bug left him in favour of other activities and he sold off all his equipment, built and unbuilt kits.

Then after a long hiatus of 19 years, his wife encouraged him to get back into the hobby. He began with a 1/48 Revell P-38, researched it and brush painted it. From that kit he started to take an interest in flying boats and float planes and was hooked again. Starting out more slowly this time around, he began leaning techniques he didn’t have as a kid, trolling some of the online forums in the background for a couple years to see what others were doing before having the courage to post a build online, an all resin kit of all things (Choroszy Modelbud 1/48 Type 91 E6Y1 float plane). He began to try some new techniques, bought a new airbrush and started to experiment with some scratch building (on a minor scale). In the fall of 2012, he joined MA.

After attending a couple local hobby shows as a spectator he finally decided to enter a build in 2015, a 1/48 Revell PBY in RDAF scheme, and to his surprise, took first place in the category! He has since been entering builds in local competitions and picked up another first and two third place medals in 2016 and 2017.

His favourite scale to build in is 1/48 and floatplanes and flying boats are the subject he likes best. Japanese aircraft, torpedo bombers and anything else out of the ordinary follow in a close second. He does like to mix things up sometimes with a few “what if” builds.

Warren still feels he has a lot to improve on in his builds and is always willing to try new things. Every build is a learning experience in some way!”

I am proud to introduce Warren Joyce as a new member of the Master’s Forum!

Bob Letterman

bob letterman
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