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Looking for Bronco Instructions (CB-35008)

Ken Abrams

Well-known member
Hi TnT'rs,

does anyone have a set of the instructions for the Lanciafiamme tankette, kit CB-35008 that they could scan for me or something similar?

I just scored the kit cheap because it contained no instructions and was wondering if anyone out there could help me out. Even half way decent photos sent via email or something would be extremely helpful.

TIA if you can,

Thanks Saul,

I did manage to find an online blog with photos of the instructions and screen grabbed them, they are a little blurry in spots but not too bad.

If you find the time and the ambition you should have my email saved somewhere in your sent box or something as we've corresponded before.

It's KenATscalemodelworld.net though if you can't find it.

Thanks for your response.

Time and ambition I have, only the energy is what has been sapped from me! ;)

I am firing her up!

Thanks a billion Saul,

They arrived and they look great! To answer your question, I don't need the front page, just the instructions for assembly.

You sir, are awesome.


...and since my last post, Moonpuppy sent me to the naughty corner for using an email addy for a site I no longer staff on and set me up with a ken@tanksandthings.com email.

heeheehee... I knew that was coming when I saw it.

I will continue tomorrow night, PLEASE remind me.

I am working on some book reviews plus the new Vulcan Models K500 motorcycle.


I finally sent the rest. Check your mailbox. There are two e-mails as I had scanned the same page twice thereby skipping one. It is now complete.
