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Some of Tiger Model's new Sherman Goodies Reviewed!

Old package on left, new one on right, same price!


Contents of the set, unchanged as well.

Details of the set:
Light flash to remove.
Wood grain is visible! OK, perhaps it is hard to see in the photo but it is there!
This item simply slips over the Tamiya M4 kit's drive shafts replacing the kit parts.
The casting marks are very accurate. To use, see next set where the hull modifications needed for the DML kit are shown.
An excellent replacement rear hull wall but be wary that there is some shrinkage and work to be done to the DML hull.
The resin is so sensitive to detail it picked up Karl van Sweden's notes on the master!
What to remove on the DML kit. I used a razor saw to remove it as I wanted to save the detail for another kit. Grinding it away should only take seconds.

Because of the shrinkage, I removed the vertical bars plus carefully filed the inside of the idler mounts as there was some unevenness found.
The fit is then good but will require some putty.
I have some photographs which show that there should be a hole for both tow eyes for the clevis bolt. Casting marks are sadly inaccurate. It should be E8543.  I let Tiger Models know and they have corrected it.
What to remove.
Good fit is achieved.
First release
Last update
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